The Initiative
On 29 July 2016 and 19 July 2022, the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples submitted two thematic reports to the General Assembly on the issue of conservation and protected areas.

In her thematic analysis on Conservation measures and their impact on Indigenous Peoples’ rights, Victoria Tauli Corpuz charted legal developments and commitments and measures taken made to advance a human rights-based paradigm in conservation, while also identifying key remaining challenges. She concluded with recommendations on how conservation, in policy and practice, can be developed in a manner which respects Indigenous Peoples’ rights and enhances sustainable conservation.

In his report on Protected areas and Indigenous Peoples’ rights: the obligations of States and international organizations, José Francisco Calí Tzay revisited the issue of protected areas and the rights of Indigenous Peoples, assessed recent developments with a focus on the obligations of States and international organizations to respect, protect and promote Indigenous Peoples’ rights and formulated a series of recommendations to Member States, United Nations agencies, conservation organisations, donors and other stakeholders involved in conservation.
To follow up on the implementation of the recommendations formulated by both mandate holders, the Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy (IPLP) Program at the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona, with the financial support of the Bay and Paul Foundations, launched a two-year Initiative.
The aims of Indigenous Peoples Law & Policy Program Initiative on Indigenous Peoples Affected by Protected Areas and Other Conservation Measures are to:
- Raise public awareness on these recommendations and on human rights violations perpetrated by conservation actors with a coordinated public education, social media and earned media campaign;
- Establish a permanent online resource centre which will include a database, legal and policy development resources and other useful tools for Indigenous Peoples affected by conservation measures and support NGOs;
- Work toward increased coordination and collaboration with indigenous organisations, NGOs and other actors engaged in this issue;
- Provide technical assistance and legal guidance to Indigenous Peoples and organisations and support NGOs affected by protected and conservation areas via an IPLP legal clinic;
- Provide technical assistance and legal guidance to conservation organizations, donors, UN entities and other major stakeholders;
- Follow up on specific recommendations made by the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples with relevant stakeholders;
- Denounce cases of serious and systematic violations of Indigenous Peoples due to the imposition and existence of Protected Areas;
- Monitor the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Framework Convention on Biodiversity post-2020, specifically target 3 known as 30x30, as well as other targets related to Indigenous Peoples' Rights.