Date of publication
June 23, 2022
Publishing Organization
African Commission and Court on Human and Peoples Rights
Document Type
Original Document
Protected Area Reference
Relevant paragraphs, or extracts


160. For these reasons



On the Respondent State’s objections

i. Dismisses all the Respondent State’s objections;

64 Rule 30 of the Rules of Court 2 June 2010.


On pecuniary reparations

ii. Orders the Respondent State to pay the sum of KES 57 850 000. (Fifty seven million, eight hundred and fifty thousand Kenya Shillings), free from any government tax, as compensation for the material prejudice suffered by the Ogiek;

iii. Orders the Respondent State to pay the sum of KES 100 000 000 (One hundred million Kenya Shillings), free from any government tax, as compensation for the moral prejudice suffered by the Ogiek;

On non-pecuniary reparations

iv. Orders the Respondent State to take all necessary measures, legislative, administrative or otherwise to identify, in consultation with the Ogiek and/or their representatives, and delimit, demarcate and title Ogiek ancestral land and to grant collective title to such land in order to ensure, with legal certainty, the Ogiek’s use and enjoyment of the same.;

v. Orders the Respondent State, where concessions and/or leases have been granted over Ogiek ancestral land, to commence dialogue and consultations between the Ogiek and their representatives and the other concerned parties for purposes of reaching an agreement on whether or not they can be allowed to continue their operations by way of lease and/or royalty and benefit sharing with the Ogiek in line with all applicable laws. Where it proves impossible to reach a compromise, the Respondent State is ordered to compensate the concerned third parties and return such land to the Ogiek;

vi. Orders that the Respondent State must take all appropriate measures, within one (1) year, to guarantee full recognition of the Ogiek as an indigenous people of Kenya in an effective manner, including but not limited to according full recognition to the Ogiek language and Ogiek cultural and religious practices;

vii. Dismisses the Applicant’s prayer for a public apology;

viii. Dismisses the Applicant’s prayer for the erection of a monument to commemorate the human rights violations suffered by the Ogiek;

ix. Orders the Respondent State to take all necessary legislative, administrative or other measures to recognise, respect and protect the right of the Ogiek to be effectively consulted, in accordance with their tradition/customs in respect of all development, conservation or investment projects on Ogiek ancestral land;

x. Orders the Respondent State to ensure the full consultation and participation of the Ogiek, in accordance with their traditions/customs, in the reparation process as ordered in this judgment;

xi. Orders the Respondent State to adopt legislative, administrative and/or any other measures to give full effect to the terms of this judgment as a means of guaranteeing the non-repetition of the violations identified;

xii. Orders the Respondent State to take the necessary administrative, legislative and any other measures within twelve (12) months of the notification of this judgment to establish a community development fund for the Ogiek which should be a repository of all the funds ordered as compensation in this case;

xiii. Orders the Respondent State, within twelve (12) months of notification of this judgment, to take legislative, administrative or any other measures to establish and operationalise the Committee for the management of the development fund ordered in this Judgment;

On implementation and reporting

xiv. Orders that the Respondent State must, within six (6) months of notification of this judgment, publish the official English summaries, developed by the Registry of the Court, of this judgment together with that of the judgment of 26 May 2017. These summaries must be published, once in the official Government Gazette and once in a newspaper with widespread national

circulation. The Respondent State must also, within the six (6) months period earlier referred to, publish the full judgments on merits and on reparations together with the summaries provided by the Registry of the Court on an official government website where they should remain available for a period of at least one (1) year;

xv. Orders the Respondent State to submit, within twelve (12) months from the date of notification of this Judgment, a report on the status of implementation of all the Orders herein;

xvi. Holds, that it shall conduct a hearing on the status of implementation of the orders made in this judgment on a date to be appointed by the Court twelve (12) months from the date of this judgment.

On Costs

xvii. Decides that each party shall bear its own costs;