Date of publication
July 24, 2017
Document Reference #


Publishing Organization
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
Document Type
Concluding Observations
Costa Rica
Relevant paragraphs, or extracts

Indigenous women and women of African descent

36. The Committee is concerned about the lack of implementation of the principle of free, prior and informed consent and the lack of consultations with indigenous women and women of African descent in connection with development projects affecting their collective rights to land ownership. It is also concerned about the consequences of forced evictions of indigenous women and women of African descent from lands traditionally occupied or used by them and the dispossession of such lands by private non-State actors.

37. The Committee recommends that the State party:

  • (a) Take resolute action against land dispossession and forced evictions of indigenous women and women of African descent from lands traditionally occupied or used by them, strengthen legal and procedural safeguards to protect them and ensure their meaningful participation in decision-making processes regarding the use of traditional indigenous lands;
  • (b) Set up and implement effective consultation mechanisms to secure the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous women and benefit-sharing in relation to development projects and other uses of their natural resources and lands, and assess and mitigate the impact of the establishment of protected areas and the adoption of environmental public policies on the rights of indigenous women and women of African descent