Date of publication
May 8, 2013
Document Reference #

TZA 2/2013

Publishing Organization
Communications send by Special Procedures on violations related to protected areas
Document Type
Protected Area Reference
Relevant paragraphs, or extracts

Communication sent by the Special Rapporteur on allegations concerning the indigenous Maasai pastoralists in the Loliondo Game Controlled Area. According to the information received, on 26 March 2013, the Minister of Environment and Tourism announced plans to declare a corridor of 1500 square km in the Loliondo area as a “game controlled area” in accordance with the Wildlife Management Act of 2009. The Government of Tanzania asserted that the declaration is an effort to address the ongoing land conflicts in the Loliondo area. However, concern is expressed that the Government declared the corridor as a game controlled area in order to reserve that area exclusively for hunting, thereby reducing significantly the areas available to Maasai for grazing their livestock and potentially ultimately leading to their eviction from village lands in that area. The letter follows up on related issues raised by the Special Rapporteur in previous communications (see A/HRC/15/37/Add.1, para 421).