Date of publication
Dec. 6, 2013
Document Reference #


Publishing Organization
Human Rights Committee
Document Type
Concluding Observations
Protected Area Reference
Relevant paragraphs, or extracts

Concluding observations on the third periodic report of the Plurinational State of Bolivia

25. The Committee welcomes the preliminary framework bill on consultation mentioned in the State party’s replies, but is concerned by information to the effect that, where extractive projects are concerned, the preliminary bill as yet provides only for consultation with the peoples affected, but not their free, prior and informed consent. The Committee is also concerned at reports of tensions in the Isiboro Securé National Park and Indigenous Territory caused by a road-building project that does not have the support of all the communities concerned (art. 27).

The State party should ensure that the preliminary framework bill on consultation complies with the principles set forth in article 27 of the Covenant and provides guarantees that indigenous communities’ free, prior and informed consent will be sought when decisions are to be taken concerning projects that have a bearing on their rights and that, in particular, all the indigenous communities concerned will take part in the consultation process and that their views will be duly taken into account. The State party should also ensure that indigenous communities’ free, prior and informed consent is obtained through representative institutions before any measures are adopted that would substantially jeopardize or interfere with culturally significant economic activities of those communities.