Date of publication
April 23, 2014
Document Reference #


Publishing Organization
Human Rights Committee
Document Type
Concluding Observations
United States of America
Relevant paragraphs, or extracts

Concluding observations on the fourth periodic report of the United States of America

25. The Committee is concerned about the insufficient measures taken to protect the sacred areas of indigenous peoples against desecration, contamination and destruction as a result of urbanization, extractive industries, industrial development, tourism and toxic contamination. It is also concerned about the restriction of access of indigenous peoples to sacred areas that are essential for the preservation of their religious, cultural and spiritual practices, and the insufficiency of consultation with indigenous peoples on matters of interest to their communities (art. 27).

The State party should adopt measures to effectively protect sacred areas of indigenous peoples against desecration, contamination and destruction and ensure that consultations are held with the indigenous communities that might be adversely affected by the State party’s development projects and exploitation of natural resources with a view to obtaining their free, prior and informed consent for proposed project activities.