Date of publication
June 10, 2016
Document Reference #


Publishing Organization
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Document Type
Concluding Observations
Relevant paragraphs, or extracts

18. The Committee takes note of the information provided by the State party concerning the eviction of the Batwa from the forest lands in which they lived and the explanations seeking to justify why they have not been compensated. The Committee also takes note of the information on the free housing programmes set up for the Batwa and the efforts made to integrate them into the rest of the population. However, the Committee remains concerned at the fact that the forced eviction of the Batwa from their traditional lands in order to create and develop national parks, which may have contributed to the decline in their population, has seriously disrupted their traditional way of life, since it prevents them from engaging in income-generating activities and has increased their poverty. Moreover, the Committee notes with concern the absence of appropriate measures to ensure the full integration of the Batwa, such as the allocation of land to compensate them for the lands that they have lost (art. 5).

19. The Committee reiterates its recommendation that the State party consider putting in place specific measures, in consultation and agreement with the Batwa, whereby those who so wish are provided with plots of land, so that they can engage in income-generating activities. The Committee emphasizes that such measures are necessary to end the decline in the Batwa population, to promote their integration into the rest of society and to reduce their poverty.