Date of publication
Nov. 17, 2021
Document Reference #

JAL BWA 3/2021

Publishing Organization
Communications send by Special Procedures on violations related to protected areas
Document Type
Protected Area Reference
Relevant paragraphs, or extracts

Communication sent by the Special Rapporteurs on business, environment and indigenous peoplesconcerning the impacts of oil and gas exploration and extraction on the lands of the San indigenous peoples in Kalahari Desert upstream and the Okavango Delta in Namibia and Botswana. A 25-year petroleum exploration license over 34,000km/8.4 million acres of lands traditionally used and occupied by the San peoples was granted to the Canadian-based Reconnaissance Oil and Gas (ReconAfrica), through its locally registered subsidiaries and joint ventures.The San, who were previously evicted from their traditional territory within the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, have strongly objected to petroleum exploration and any future extraction that may cause irrevocable damage to the fragile ecosystem and protected areas on which they depend for their physical and cultural survival.