Date of publication
June 23, 2010
Document Reference #


Publishing Organization
Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Document Type
Country Visit Report
Russian Federation
Relevant paragraphs, or extracts

Lands and natural resources

83. It is essential that the State urgently bring coherence, consistency and certainty to the various laws that concern the rights of indigenous peoples and particularly their access to land and resources. In accordance with international standards, guarantees for indigenous land and resource rights should be legally certain; implemented fully and fairly for all indigenous communities; consistent between federal and regional frameworks; and consistent throughout various legislation dealing with property rights, land leases and auctions, fisheries and forestry administration, national parks and environmental conservation, oil development and regulation of commercial enterprises. 

84. Legislated land and resource use guarantees for indigenous people should be able to withstand any future land reform, hunting or fishing law amendments, and any other new laws that affect indigenous communities. Urgent attention should be paid to ensuring proper modifications or revisions to the land code, the federal law on hunting, and other legal provisions that currently contradict or hinder indigenous land and resource rights.