I wish to refer to the Committee’s letter of 13 March 2009 (copy attached for ease of reference) requesting information, under its Early Warning Urgent Action Procedure on the situation of the Maasai community in Soitsambu village, Sukenya Farm.
You will recall that, in its latest concluding observations on Tanzania (CERD/C/TZA/CO/16, 2007), the Committee noted with concern the lack of information from the State party regarding the expropriation of the ancestral territories of certain ethnic groups, and their forced displacement and resettlement. It recommended the State party to provide detailed information on the expropriation of the land of certain ethnic groups, on compensation granted on their situation following their displacement (CERD/C/TZA/CO/16, paragraph 14).
Following updated yet contradictory information on the situation of Maasai community in the Soitsambu village from non-governmental organisations and the Company which purchased the Farm, the Committee would be grateful for clarification regarding the status of your Government’s response and would appreciate receiving the following information:
-Measures the State party has taken to ensure the effective participation of Maasai community in decisions affecting them including measures taken on allegations of expropriation of land in Soitsambu village;
outcomes of legal proceedings and administrative investigations on the case;
Measures the State party has taken to investigate thoroughly all allegations of excessive use of force and crimes by the police and the security guards of the company occupying the Farm.
In accordance with article 9 (1) of the Convention and article 65 of its Rules of Procedure, the Committee requests the State party to submit its response at its earliest convenience but preferably no later than 31 July 2011.
The Committee takes this opportunity to invite the State party to submit its seventeenth and eighteenth periodic reports overdue since November 2007.