Date of publication
July 4, 2012
Document Reference #


Publishing Organization
Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Document Type
Country Visit Report
Original Document
Relevant paragraphs, or extracts

V. Conclusions and recommendations

National parks and protected areas
95. The Government should review its policy on establishing national parks and protected areas in order to ensure that they do not infringe the rights of indigenous peoples to their lands and natural resources within these areas. It should also remedy the situations in which the establishment of national parks or protected areas has hindered the enjoyment of these rights.
96. In addition, the Government should guarantee suitable processes for consultation with indigenous peoples when a proposal is made to establish a national park or protected area that might adversely affect them. It should also encourage and take measures to ensure that the indigenous peoples who live in or around these areas
share in any tourism or other benefits generated by these sites if they so wish.

97. With regard to Quebrada de Humahuaca, listed by UNESCO as a world heritage site, the Federal Government, the provincial government of Jujuy and representatives of UNESCO should increase the participation of indigenous peoples from the surrounding areas in the management of the site, while ensuring that these peoples can continue to carry out their traditional and subsistence activities within Quebrada de Humahuaca.