Date of publication
Aug. 13, 2015
Document Reference #
Publishing Organization
Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Document Type
Country Visit Report
Original Document
V. Conclusions and recommendations
Socioeconomic situation
83. The Special Rapporteur recommends:
- (e) The design and effective implementation of a REDD+ programme and the application of the associated social and environmental safeguards, which include respect for indigenous peoples’ rights and knowledge, guarantees for their full and effective participation and the prevention of deforestation, among other measures;
- (f) Full recognition of and respect for the rights of indigenous peoples as they apply to the activities involved in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, especially in terms of the establishment and management of protected areas that affect their lands, territories or natural resources. The indigenous peoples concerned should be consulted with a view to obtaining their consent prior to the establishment of such areas and should participate in their management