Online Resource Center for Indigenous Peoples impacted by conservation projects Preparing a report on human rights violations International and regional conservation related instruments International and regional human rights instruments International and regional mechanisms and the submission of communications, reports and complaints Relevant national legislations Relevant national court cases Main conservation NGOs and their human rights policies, guidelines and commitments Main conservation actors: grievance, redress and accountability mechanisms Main conservation donors and their human rights policies, guidelines and commitments Main conservation donors: grievance, redress and accountability mechanisms Relevant International meetings and conferences and funding sources to attend such events List of NGOs providing legal support to indigenous peoples affected by conservation issues List of NGOs involved in conservation and indigenous rights List of conservation related coalitions and networks List of friendly press and medias Funding sources to develop indigenous projects/ indigenous conservancies Examples of indigenous codes of conduct Examples of indigenous led conservation and tourism projects Models of environmental and social impact assessments Protocols on free prior and informed consent, benefit sharing agreements